Sunday, 6 November 2016

A Week in Review (October 30-November 5)

A Week in Review (October 30-November 5)

Watched:  Jack bravely go through the "spooky house" in our neighborhood on Halloween night.  While we were walking over there, he ran into one of his teammates who thought it was hilarious  that Jack was in his actual uniform.  The teammate was dressed as zombie football player.  They walked together for a while, but then we split up again.  He ended up with a pretty good loot for the night.  It was a nice mix of chocolate for me and gummy stuff for him.  He even took a loot bag to his teacher.  She wasn't thrilled because he put a Warhead in there and she put in her mouth in front of the whole class.  She didn't want to lose face by spitting out and so she finished it.  I tried one and it was instantly horrible and I have no idea how she did it.

Read:  I finished up You.  So this book was pretty intense. The language in it was absolutely vulgar though which caused me to drop it a star. It's definitely not a book that I would recommend to someone who is newly in a relationship. You'd really question all your partner's motives. I am going to need to read the sequel. I am anxious to know if it will reveal more of Joe's back story.  I started If You Only Knew next.  I am super excited about why I am reading it.  I was invited to join an in-person book club.  I thought I wasn't going to be able to make it because it was slated for this Friday, which I was already booked with Fall Festival.  Luckily, the hostess had to change so it is next week.  I will have to read it at a mad pace, but I am willing to rise to the challenge to be able to be in a book club again!

Listened: To the unfortunate news that Jack has a cavity. He's really, really not a fan of the dentist or needles so the filling appointment should be just lovely. We are going to try just laughing gas. They only do cavities work from 8-12 because they want to be around if something happens when it wears off. So that is how we will start out our week of Thanksgiving break.

Made: Jack realize that he is still a quality wrestler, even though he took a pin this week.  Unfortunately these beginning tournaments are quite small and he is getting stuck with wrestlers who have properly declared themselves "Advanced". The kid who pinned him has been wrestling since he was 4. He lost another match 2 to 0 to another A kid, who had just as much experience. His only B match was a teammate and he handled that pretty easily.  It's hard to see him get down on himself when it's clear to me that he just needs more time to master the moves. You can watch his matches HERE, HERE, and HERE

Felt:  Overwhelmed by all the little details to think about for the Fall Festival.  There is so much to organize to make sure that the event goes off with as few bumps as possible.  I have to say that I thought it went pretty smoothly. We had lots of volunteers and I saw lots of smiles. We didn't make quite as much as we did last year, but it was still a good chunk of change for my month long effort.  I do it in part to help fund the PTA, but I really do it so that my kid has life long memories of the fun times he had at school with his friends. When we were talking about what he spent his tickets on, it was primarily pieing the specials teachers and principals.  I was very lucky to have a couple of moms text me fun pictures they got of him throughout the night.

Planned: On just a relaxing night in on Saturday, but Jack asked me to invite our friends Katie and Jonathan over. They accepted and we all had a blast together. We played a ton of games and were go, go, go.  We ended the night with Life.  It was funny because the rule of the house is that you have to state who you are marrying and it can't be someone else who is playing the game. I picked Joseph Gordon Levitt, Katie picked Matt Damon, Jonathan picked Natalie Portman, and Nick picked "Ara". What a good guy, huh?  Jack picked, of course, Kate. It's fun to have good people to hang out with. 

Loved:  This year's turkey plate. The day after Halloween, I pulled down all my Halloween decorations and put up my Thanksgiving ones. In 2012, I started a tradition to put his handprint onto a plate and having him decorate it and write his name on it.  We both love looking through at the various years and thinking about what really occupied him that year. This year it was back to football!  I'm going to keep this tradition going as long as he lets me. 

Here are the pics for the week:

The only picture I took of him this Halloween

Look at that loot

This year's turkey handprint plate

All the years lined up

Fall Festival Fun



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