Watched: Days of our Lives in real time. I actually managed to get all caught up and stay caught up in current episodes. It was nice to just be able to take a few minutes and zone out with the people of Salem.
Read: I finished up If You Only Knew. It was you typical Chic-Lit book. Nothing that really surprised me in the entire book. I always think it's funny when authors make characters from the past and present of the book be connected in ways you might not imagine. Not a bad book, but not one I recommend quickly either. Next, I started up Hidden Bodies, which is a follow up to You. I didn't get very far in it, but it looks to be very similar to You.
Listened: To an extremely loud gym at Jack's wrestling match. It was hard to even have a conversation with the noise level. I guess that just means there were a lot of excited kids and coaches. Jack had B bracket this time. These seemed to be the kids on the easy side of B as he was able to quickly get two pins. You can see his matches HERE and HERE.
Listened: To an extremely loud gym at Jack's wrestling match. It was hard to even have a conversation with the noise level. I guess that just means there were a lot of excited kids and coaches. Jack had B bracket this time. These seemed to be the kids on the easy side of B as he was able to quickly get two pins. You can see his matches HERE and HERE.
Made: $20 to Orange Leaf for taking out on of Jack's coaches during the charity poker tournament for the club. I ended up getting ninth overall which wasn't good for much expect knowing I did better than the other people I came with. Haha. Hopefully it brought in some good money for the boys.
Felt: Disenfranchised with the election results. I can't believe that Trump one. It makes me (and Nick!) very scared for the future of our country. How someone with such a volatile temper and record of hateful speech and lies could be voted on by such a large number of people doesn't seem to bode well for the country. I tried to eat my feelings with some leftover Halloween candy. When that didn't work, I tried day drinking! That didn't really work either. I am sure I am just being a pessimist. I hope that we all take the time to stay involved and make sure we are aware of what's going on in the world.
Planned: What I would wear for my first book club. Going to a new group of women is a lot like going on a first date. Luckily, the first date was a match. There were lots of laughs and even some good book discussion. We picked our December book and it's a bit lengthy. It is called The Traitor's Wife by Allison Pataki. I've got my copy ordered from Amazon and it should be here next week.
Loved: Jack's school program. The third graders perform a Veterans Day program each year. It was fun to hear them sing classic patriotic songs. Some of them had partner parts that were new to me, but complimented them excellently. Jack was very nervous and wouldn't stop messing with his clothes. The stage doesn't appear to be his place of comfort.
Here are the pics for the week:
Angry goose arms. Haha
I saw this meme and really felt it was accurate for my feelings on watching election results.
Program Night. You can sure tell how nervous he was.
His first place pose
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