Tuesday, 22 November 2016

A Week in Review (November 13-19)

A Week in Review (November 13-19)

Watched: The Broncos and Chiefs play at the same time. They both squeezed out narrow victories in the final minutes of their games too!  It was nice to have the free afternoon to get some things done around the house. We even had time for Jack to make good on a bet and paint my toenails.

Read:  I still am working on Hidden Bodies.  I am liking it better than the book before it in the series, but with Nick out of town for most of the week, I just don't keep a good bedtime routine like I should.  I need to finish it up next week so that I can get working on my new book club book that came in the mail this week.

Listened: Christmas music a little before the season because I had to make the CD for my classroom. I will admit that I really enjoyed it and can't wait for the month of Christmas carols!

Made: Signs for the PTA craft fair that will run in conjunction with our Holiday Shop. They ended up taking a lot longer than I thought they would, but I am pleased with how they turned out. I've got to enlist Nick's help to stick them in the ground.

Felt: Pleased with my good luck at wrapping. I had a bit of extra time Friday morning and so I decided to get the presents I had bought for my work gift exchanges done. I couldn't believe how perfectly the placement worked on one of them. It just made my heart happy to look at it. I took a picture and texted it to my mom because I knew she would enjoy it too.

Planned: Staying the whole day at wrestling tournament, but Jack's stomach had other ideas. He suffered from really bad gas pain that was leaving him doubled over. I'm not even sure how he wrestled his last match as he couldn't stand up straight before it began.  He ended up losing it, but I think going out there and trying was absolutely amazing. You can see his matches HERE, HERE, and HERE. His first one was three rounds long but I tried to record from the stands and the opposing coaches stood and blocked my view most of the match. I started recording when they sat down.

Loved: Watching the Jayhawks win. In basketball they managed to knock off #1 Duke on a neutral court. Even more exciting was their football win over Texas. Because Nick was needed to coach all day, we watched it behind the rest of the world. Valerie texted me and let me know they had pulled out a victory. I was able to record some clips of him and I think this one is just everyone's favorite. You can watch one very pleased fan right HERE.

Here are the pics for the week:

If only this could happen on a regular basis. 





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