Friday, 4 November 2016

A Week in Review (October 23-29)

A Week in Review (October 23-29)

Watched: The Chiefs game from Buffalo Wild Wings. We had a good time tablegating. It's a lot more expensive and not quite as relaxing as the game being on at home, but it is nice that Nick still has access to all his games. There was a Bronco cut out that Jack got his picture with.

Read:  I finished up The Invisible Life Ivan Isaenko.  So I had heard a lot of good things about this book, but it just fell short for me. I wasn't particularly connected with any of the characters. You might like it more if you were a fan of The Fault in our Stars.  Next I started reading, You.  It is a really messed up book about a man obsessed with a woman.

Listened: To my students giggle with delight as we acted out Raffi's There's a Spider on the Floor. I love how easy preschoolers are to please. I made sure everyone was able to take home their own spider ring and thought it was just the neatest thing ever. I really look forward to the time I spend with all my students. 

Made: Our Jack-o-Lanterns on Wednesday night. It was great to have a night free from sports so we could just enjoy a family activity without rushing to be somewhere. Nick tackled our giant pumpkin. I think scooping it took all his muster, so he went with a simple but totally Nick design.  We all really loved the hair on Jack's pumpkin. It makes it fun to look even when it isn't lit up. 

Felt: Nervous for Jack. He was placed in a very rough bracket on Saturday. There were two A quality wrestlers and another good B one. None of the kids had ever gotten a third in recent history and had never gotten a fourth. He ended up winning one and losing two, but all were hard fought matches. The other wrestler he beat was also 1-2, so he ended up with third. He wasn't proud of it in the beginning and said it deserved to be down his singlet.  I think as time went on, he realized that he had worked hard and that's what was really important. You can watch his matches HERE, HERE, and HERE

Planned: A Panda Express night for Jack's wrestling club. Because we do not have tax exempt status, not a lot of places are willing to work with us. I was so excited when I found out they would. I am hoping it's a good turnout and the club makes a couple hundred dollars for not a lot of effort.

Loved: Going to lunch with Nick on Wednesday. I have been asking him forever to use Cozi so that he can add things to the grocery list, add appointments, etc. He finally downloaded it and as I was looking through my day, I saw "Lunch" on my calendar. I was trying to figure out who I was supposed to have lunch with when I realized that Nick had probably put it on there. I double checked with him and he confirmed it was him. We went out to Salsa Brava, which is always delicious. As we were leaving, our waitress (who was also the bartender) offered a small glass of passion fruit margaritas.  With my history with tequila, I didn't think I would like it, but it was surprisingly yummy!

Here are the pics for the week:


He says this is where a third place metal belongs, under the singlet!

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