Tuesday, 23 May 2017

A Week in Review (May 14-20)

A Week in Review (May 14-20)

Watched: Jack fail at skating. It's probably good for him to have something that he isn't good at and it's definitely things with wheels. He doesn't seem to really enjoy roller skating or bike riding. His teacher came and helped him out in spots, which was very kind of her. He took some big biffs, but always got back up and kept trying.

Read:  I was able to finish up The Underground Railroad.  This book was told in a non-sequential order, which I found to be a bit distracting from the message of the book. It's always sad to read about the horrors of slavery and this book is no different. I would say if you like 12 Years a Slave, you would also enjoy this novel.  Next, I started A Fall of Marigolds.  It is the book for my face-to-face book club.  I am enjoying it.  It's a pretty easy read. I have to finish it up by early next week so that I can pass it on the next person, so they have time to read it before our meeting.

Listened: To Jack's coach give a funny little speech about him when he was giving him his trophy at the end of the season. You can view it HERE. The coaches all had very kind things to say about him. They really love the heart he shows when he is playing football.

Made: Really cute gifts for the assistant coaches on Jack's team. I can't believe that I forgot to take a picture. I bought a couple thing of candy for each one of them and gave them a Redbox code to go along with it. There was a cute tag thanking them for all their hard work.

Felt: Sick cold weather.  It snowed!  Quite a lot that stuck to the ground on the 17th of May!  It really makes it hard to feel like the end of the school year when it feels just like winter.  It forced Jack's Field Day to be postponed and his football party to be moved inside rather than having Laser Tag at the park.  I am just hoping for the weather to turn around soon.  The spring has been far more winter like than the winter was!

Planned: An awesome last day with my students!  I have had such a fun year with them.  Each class got to vote on what activity they wanted to do on their last day with me.  We had choices between balloons (most popular), parachute (second most popular), soccer and action songs.  It was a great way to just spend our time hanging out together!

Loved: Celebrating Mother's Day with my boys.  To start my morning, Jack presented with a magnet that he made at school.  Next, they were up and cooking me breakfast in bed which was French Toast.  For the next gift, they sent me on a scavenger hunt to a new microwave.  The one in the house was really on it's last legs and so the boys decided to upgrade it.  Then they gave me a painting that I had commented on loving while were out at the Fine Arts Center.  The details in it are so amazing and I just love looking at it.  We moved onto a nice steak dinner before heading out to watch do his final Landsharks race.  There we got a Kona Ice to celebrate even more.  After it was all done, we headed to Michaels to purchase a frame for my painting.  We wrapped up the day by playing a lot of Settlers and just enjoying being together!  It was a great day and I felt very special!

Here are the pics for the week:

My rose from last week's football ceremony

My Mother's Day Presents

Not what you want to wake up to in the middle of May!

Jack trying hard not to fall while skating

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