Monday, 8 May 2017

A Week in Review (April 30-May 6)

A Week in Review (April 30-May 6)

Watched: Jack audition for his talent show. He was very nervous and his teacher was kind enough to let him go in front of the class. He did a good job there and I think that helped the nerves. Of course, when he started his trick, he missed putting the cup on the table and was flummoxed by it. They allowed him to take an act to get it together. He was sure that flubber had cost him a spot in the talent show. Luckily, his act had enough merit that he will get to perform it for the whole school on Friday, May 12th.

Read: I finished up Edgar and Lucy early in the week. All I could say was "Oh thank goodness I have finished!" Two long weeks I spent with this beast. To say that this book wasn't for me is about the kindest thing I can say for it. It's full of poetic language, ghosts, and sad sex. You think with the other elements in the book it might have a chance to be appealing, but it never once got there for me.Since I saw how short it was, I decided to start My Name is Lucy Barton next.  I must say that this is a very different book. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I got the story of a small town girl with a sad childhood who moved to New York and had a sad adulthood too. But hey, at least she became a successful writer. Can't think of anyone I would recommend this too, but I wouldn't advise against reading it either. Since that book only took two days to complete, I was able to start Secrets of a Charmed Life. I was bummed to see that my library copy wasn't readable on my Kindle as most of the evoke from the library are.  That meant I have had to read it on my iPad.  It is a pretty fast paced book and pulled me in. I am a little over half way finished so I am sure I will have a review for you next week. 

Listened: To the sounds of laughter and good conversation as we hung out with our friends.  We tried Costa Vida, which isn't nearly as good as Chipotle.  Nick wasn't really able to find anything he would eat, so that made the next stop of a brewery all that much funnier.  We all had a good time playing neighbor and chatting about the future of wrestling.  The kids are all dying to play more together so we will have to have them over for a BBQ this summer sometime.

Made: The rounds for delivery of the carnations for Teacher Appreciation Week. I am so glad that I started this tradition at the school. I really think the flowers along with a kind note attached to them go a long way to boosting the teachers' moods. 

Felt:  Perplexed about what to get Jack's football coaches. Due to the awful weather this Spring Season has given us, our parents aren't really bonded. I didn't feel like I could easily ask parents to contribute to a coach gift like I did in the Fall. There is mom at Prairie Hills who makes shirts with vinyl screen prints. I decided to have a shirt custom made for the head coach. I settled on just a small gift card for each of the other three coaches.

Planned: On attending a real simple volunteer appreciation event at the school. However, a couple of the teachers took the time to make it really nice. They brought out fancy tea cups and had sugar cubes to put in the tea. There were more lovely desserts than you could ever eat. They even got us each a lotion too with a cute saying about lending a helping hand. It was so nice to just sit back and let someone else take care of the event.

Loved: Watching Jack kick some butt this weekend.  He has been practicing really well and it came through in game.  He played for all but four plays, which were extra points.  He had some amazing blocks, stopping an extra point one time.  He said that one kind of rung his bell though.  He was also able to score his first points with a touchdown reception!  It was very exciting because they were able to beat the team that whooped up on them in the Fall season.  While I am glad I won't be spending so much time at the park, I am going to kind of miss it too!  Hard to believe that we only have one week left and that is only because of the snow cancellation.

Here are the pics for the week:




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