Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Week in Review (July 14-20)

Week in Review (July 14-20)

Watched: More American Ninja Warrior. This is a fun little show for the family to watch. We make it more interactive by guessing which obstacle each contestant will go out on.  The person who has picked the most things correctly gets $1 from each of the other players.

Read: I did finish up  Beautiful Ruins and I loved it. It was a story that hooked you from the beginning!  The conclusion about books without a true climax can be difficult, but this author wrapped it up in such a satisfying way. He told you just as much as you needed to know and not an ounce more.  I also blew through Garden Spells. It is a quick summer read.  Sarah Addison Allen  books are generally quite predictable, but  I still enjoy the journey. If you are looking for a quick, light read, this might be just the book for you. 

Listened: To Jack create several different handles for his foam lightsabers. He found he could create them using a PVC connecting joint and then this would allow him to easily switch out the handle for different situations.

Made: A delicious dinner with lamb kabobs and a garden fresh tomato with feta and basil on it. Nick grilled his tomato, but I left mine raw. We were both huge fans. 

Felt: Longing for the relaxing vacation we were supposed to be on. I am sure we will get to enjoy a trip there sometime, but it was so weird because our week was wide open, which doesn't happen very often in the summer.

Planned: My first ever trip to the Farmer's 
Market in Olathe. It was nice small number of vendors and perfect for walking with Nick's knee. Jack found the most darling little cupcake that was better to look at then it was to eat for him.

Loved: The mild summer we have been having. It is such a nice contrast to the extreme heat of last year. We spend several hours outside each day. I just wish I could bottle the excess Vitamin D for the winter!

Here are the pics for the week:  Sorry not many!

Jack's super cute cupcake that he found at the Farmer's Market

Jack and two of the handles he created. We had to take a picture to text to Dad so we could know which one he liked better. 

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