Wednesday, 31 July 2013

A Week in Review (July 21-27)

A Week in Review (July 21-27)

Watched: We went to the Boulevard Drive-In again. This time we took the air mattress that Jack had seen other people have.  We had a bit of problem airing it up as I had brought only part of the converter that allows a car to have an electrical outlet.  But luckily Nick has a McGyver-like brain and he was able to strip the wires and use jumper cables to power it.  Jack loved it.  We watched Turbo and Wolverine.  Jack loved Turbo. I thought it was good and Nick thought it was only okay. Jack fell asleep almost immediately at the beginning of Wolverine, but Nick and I finished it.  I liked it, but Nick didn't think it was a good as other X-Men movies.

Read: I started up and finished Amelia's Story.  I was not a fan of this story.  As a survivor of abuse, I always try to empower myself where as the author constantly seemed to be struggling with thinking of herself as the victim.  It remind me of an Everclear lyric that says "You make yourself a victim, almost every single day.".  I also started up What about Kansas City and The Lightning Thief.  When I started The Lightning Thief, I had no idea that a movie with the 2nd book was coming out.  I keep seeing these previews and it is throwing me off.  I don't want to know what happens because I haven't read the books yet!

Listened: Even though I almost never alone in the car, I started the audiobook of .  I am not sure how it ever made it on my TBR list, but my July partner chose it for me and I am really enjoying it.  I had no idea that it was the novel that the movie Simon Birch was based around.  I am interested into seeing the more detailed character developments that a novel can provide.

Made: Plans for several playdates. Jack got to hang out with our old neighbor and they probably got along better than they ever had!  It was nice to see them enjoying each other's company.  We also were invited to a gymnastics open play place by a family who will be Scarborough, as well.  Even though this child will be attending the afternoon Kindergarten, it is still nice to get to know other families in the school.  Who knows, the boys could be in first grade together!

Felt: Perfectly full after our wonderful anniversary dinner at The Melting Pot.  When we were making reservations, Jack insisted that he didn't want to eat there because he wanted Mac and Cheese. I told him that he didn't have to eat anything they offered and he could just say No Thank You. But once we got there he was totally engrossed. I think he ate as much as Nick and I did. He is already talking about when we can go there again!

Planned: On using the travel trip listed on the duck picture below. But instead of using candy, I'll be using quarters or dollar bills!

Loved: Celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary with such a wonderful man. I am truly blessed to have found such an excellent partner to share my life with.  

Here are the pics for the week:

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