A Week in Review (December 22-28)
Watched: Finally watched the movie 42. Jack spent the movie appalled that they would treat a man just like that because of the color of his skin. He couldn't believe the way people talked to him. I can hope that these same movies will be made about gay rights. I am not a vocal supporter, but I saw myself more like the random part of the movie where a man approaches Jackie and Ray and let's him know he's pulling for them. I often wonder if that's doing enough.
Read: I finished up Hopeless (Hopeless, #1). I was really expecting to be blown away because so many of my Goodreads Friends had given it 5 stars. While I admit that I was sucked right into the story, the writing left something to be desired. The way she wrote the conversations between 5-6 year olds was pretty ridiculous. Also I felt that everything was too interconnected. I know we live a small world, but this was a bit much for me. I will still have to read the second book in the series. Then I started The Last Song. I expected it to last me through the new year, but I finished it up quickly. This book followed your typical Nicholas Sparks formula, I was still quickly drawn in by the characters and the story line. Everything gets wrapped up in a nice little package and leaves you feeling satisfied. If you are looking for a speedy little read, this is for you. I am not sure what I will pick up
Listened: To Jack ask if we were there yet when we were heading through the park to the light display at Longview Lake. While we really enjoyed it, I don't think we will go back yearly. It seems like a good event once every 5 years so.
Listened: To Jack ask if we were there yet when we were heading through the park to the light display at Longview Lake. While we really enjoyed it, I don't think we will go back yearly. It seems like a good event once every 5 years so.
Made: Christmas cookies with the whole family. Jack picked out the shapes, Poppa rolled the dough, and everyone but Nick iced them (we left him in charge of pictures). I think Jack's favorite part was icing them. He had so much fun mixing the colors and dumping on all the varied sprinkles. The cookies look horrible, but I love everyone of them.
Felt: Excitement to see Jack open all of his gifts. I came to learn that he is not the over-the-top screamer type. He had lots of big smiles and was pleased that he got everything, but there weren't any too outrageous outbursts.
Planned: A delicious menu for the week of Christmas. We had a Mexican, took the family to BD's before the lights at Longview Lake, made baked fish with some yummy Parmesan basil orzo, had our traditional Christmas Eve pizza, and Christmas Dinner consisted of: Prime Rib, Rolls, Parmsean Cilantro Corn, and Strawberry Banana Jello. It was quite delicious.
Loved: Celebrating Christmas with our families. My family was able to be here for Christmas proper and then we went down and exchanged presents with the cousins and Grandma Denise and Papa Lee. Lots of fun was had by all. It will be hard to readjust to just the three of us!
Here are the pics for the week:
This made us think of Aunt Valerie because she loves Nascar.
Aren't those beautiful???
A break from present opening to play some Notre Dame checkers in a Power Rangers suit.
Family presents cleaned up and Santa's presents under the tree.
A sleepy boy examining his stocking
Attacking Dad with our new family set of Nerf guns
Opening up his present from Grandma Denise and Papa Lee.
The room was very quiet, so I opened the door expecting to find something interesting, but this was all I got.
But good times were clearly abound since this scrape came sometime.