Tuesday, 26 November 2013

A Week in Review (November 17-23)

A Week in Review (November 17-23)

Watched: Jack entertain himself with couch cushions. While I was working our annual Parent's Morning Out at preschool, Jack and Nick turned the living room into one giant battle arena.  Jack had so much fun, he just had to show me when I got home.  He spent much of the day rearranging them into various forts and towers so we could battle him.

Read: I am still working on We Are Water. It was one of those weeks where I used my evening free time to do other things besides read and so when I finally cracked the book, it only took me a few pages before I fell asleep. 

Listened: To the most ridiculous dialogue ever written for TV, scripts for The Power Rangers. I had no idea how many variations of this show that there were! However, I am quickly finding out because when I signed up for Amazon Prime, it gave us access to instant video streaming of several episodes.  If your kid hasn't gotten into them, be thankful!

Made: Jack's turkey handprint plate. I used the Pinterest idea of baking sharpie on ceramic so that I can keep them forever. This year, he colored it in homage to his current passion, The Power Rangers Samurai.  There is a picture of it below. 

Felt: Like a bad parent and amused all at the same time. Isn't that weird?  Jack had mustache day for his spirit day on Friday. They were giving out KU mustache tattoos at the West Virginia game so we picked one up. I know he doesn't like temporary tattoos, but I really thought being awesome looking for spirit day would rule it out.  I woke him up and put it on right away. As you see in the picture below, he was pretty upset. We made a deal that he could try to rub it off once the people at school saw it and then Ms Beth would take it the rest the way off. He wasn't thrilled, but the idea appeased him. He instantly got lots of compliments on it when he went to school and by the time he left all but the handlebars had come off and he wanted to leave those on. What a goof! 

Planned: My list of Elf on the Shelf ideas. I do not like that most people make their elf a little naughty. While I don't mind a few practical jokes, I try not to have our elf do things I wouldn't want Jack to do. Plus, I try to keep the ideas so that on average they take me a only a minute to do. :)

Loved: Watching Jack and Barley play together.  It reminded me of Barley's younger years because he looked so youthful as he chased Jack around attempting to beat Jack to the marshmallows.  I did remind Jack that there are very few dogs who can play a game where to take their treat away. I am so thankful for Barley's gentle spirit. He is truly a great dog and I can't believe how lucky we have been to have him for 10 years.  The first picture below I think really captures their moment. 

Here are the pics for the week:

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