Sunday, 15 December 2013

A Week in Review (December 8-14)

A Week in Review (December 8-14)

Watched: Jack really enjoy roller skating for the first time. Wilson and Company had a kid's party this year and decided to book the skating rink. While he spent the vast majority of the time playing the arcade games, he was getting a feel for his skates. Towards the end of the party, he decided he wanted to give the floor a shot. He did really well with the trainer and only fell a couple of times. It was nice because there were very few people out there so he didn't fear being run over.  He also loved seeing Santa and getting to chat his ear off. He made sure that he told of Connor's misbehavior.  It's a good thing Santa's have been clued into elves. ;)

Read:  I keep plugging away at We Are Water.  While I am enjoying the book, I still haven't gotten to that part where it just grabs me.  It wouldn't be so bad if I weren't racking up fines from the library and stopping others interested in reading it from doing so!

Listened: To a scene that perfectly encapsulated toddler-hood. We went to deliver a birthday present to Mr C for his birthday (which was on Thanksgiving) and he had just fallen asleep. So we had to wake him up and he was quite mad at us.  Once he realized that the package contained a ball, things were a bit better. And when he realized that he could play basketball super star, he was as happy as a clam. Such is life with a 2 year old!  You'll find a picture below. 

Made: More fun adventures for Connor. The one that was probably the most memorable was the candy cane skiing one.  I had seen the idea of Pinterest and thought it would be cute. I think the people who suggested that one, we one of the ones who also didn't off season surgery on their elf installing wire into his appendages. Nick helped me fashion something that ended up being okay, but getting there was pretty funny!

Felt: That I am the perfect mother for a boy because things just don't phase me and most I find funny. As you may or may not know, Jack prefers to spend his at home time sans clothing.  One day after he was done in the bathroom, he starts singing the words, I am a cottontail, as he walks down the stairs.  I ask him what he meant  and he turns around and shows me a wad up TP stuffed in between his butt cheeks sticking out like a tail. After laughing hard and asking for a pic so I could show his father, I did ask him to go flush it. While I do think you would also get a huge laugh out of the pic, I will refrain due to indecency of it. 

Planned: To go back to work full time for at least a the first full week of January.  My boss suffered a knee injury (maybe I'm bad luck for the knees this year!) and will be undergoing surgery over break.  However, she will need a bit longer to recover than possible.  I am so glad that I have some awesome support around me. What I am even more thankful is that we have decided that it works better for our family for me to a mostly stay at home mom and wife.  I love my days with Jack and I know he likes them too.  He's finally getting old enough to verbalize that he likes hanging out with me.

Loved: The movie We're the Millers. Both Nick and I were constant busting up. It definitely isn't a comedy for everyone because it's full of foul language and sexual and drug references.  It is in NO WAY family friendly.  All that being said, I would recommend it to 90% of people that I know. So if you watch it, I'd love to know your reaction.

Here are the pics for the week:

Jack telling Santa about Connor's naughty nights. 

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