Saturday, 24 March 2018

A Week in Review (March 18-24)

A Week in Review (March 18-24)

Watched: The Jumanji reload. It was pretty funny and enjoyed by both Jack and I. We each liked the characters and the story line. I wouldn’t call it a family friendly movie but it’s great to watch with kids who enjoy older themes. It earns it PG13 rating without pushing the R envelope.

Read:  I finished up One True Loves.  This was my least favorite novel that I have read by this author. It was still a sweet novel with fun characters that I was quickly drawn into. However, I didn’t find myself savoring every moment. I was happy for the ending and I like that I wasn’t left wondering about how anyone faired. If you want a quick and easy romance, this could be a good one for you.  Next I started The Woman in the Window.  Thanks to our flight, I was able to finish it. I had a pretty good idea of what was going on, but i still enjoyed the story.  If you like stories with unreliable narrators, then this is a must read for you.  Jack and I also finished up Bridge to Terabithia.  I hadn't intended to finish it up but it just kind of hit a point where you couldn't turn back.  It left a shockwave of emotions running through both Jack and I. He actually asked me if it was possible for your heart to break into two because he was sure his was going rip apart. I knew what was coming since that is it’s main reason for being on the Banned book list. Seeing my son bawl his eyes out for 45 minutes made me understand why someone might think it’s good to remove this pain from a child’s life. However, then they wouldn’t know how much literature can touch you so deeply.  We started on The People of Sparks as our next read-aloud.  It is the second book in the Book of Ember series.  With Spring Break and the cruise, I doubt we will get very much it done at all.

Listened: Jack lead his last fourth grade conference.  How is it possible that he will be almost be a fifth grader?  He was freshly showered, had combed his hair to the side, and then put on a polo. When you were looking at him. You could really see the teenager he was going to become.  He needs to continue to improve in his writing skills, but I think that will come with time. We’ve seen so much improvement over the last two years that if he keeps growing, I know he will totally get it.

Made: Plenty of team mom stuff this week.  We finally got the pricing for our decals and spirit wear in.  Of course, when it all needs collected, I will be out of town.  I made a nicely organized folder for Gretchen to be able to collect everything.  We also got our team schedule and found out that we are lucky enough to get six games instead of five!  I nicely highlighted the field and time for each kiddo.  I also placed our chess t-shirt order and am excited because so many students ordered there ended up being $80 extra dollars for the advisers to use on snacks and drinks for the club.  Can't wait to see how the look when I pick them in two weeks!

Felt: Proud of Jack. He was selected as the Star Student of the Month from his teacher for Perservence. I think that this is particularly true for him.  I am so glad that other people see this trait in him too.  I think that his coaches see it a lot, but I am glad to see that it shows at school too. Funnily enough, his TAG teacher was talking to me that morning about how she saw that in Jack too.

Planned: Most of my vacation wear in one day.  I know that might not sound like a lot, but at the beginning of our relationship, I would have my bag packs a week in advance.  Over time, it has shrunken down to packing the day we leave or the night before if we are leaving early.  I am taking the stuff for three people on a plane.  It ended up being a lot of work but at least nothing had to sit folded in the suitcase for too long.  It's amazing how your personality evolves over time.  I am now just hoping that I didn't forget anything I really wanted and more importantly anything that I can't easily buy if I need too!

Loved:  That I have a friends with a variety of skills that will support me. After Jack’s conference, I offered him lunch at Fazoli’s. Luckily, he didn’t take me up on it. Instead as we were heading home, he saw some kids shooting hoops at the park and stopped to play with them. As they were transitioning to another game, I decided I would head home and he could walk when he was done. However, when I went to start the car, I got no crank. Not even a little clicking. It didn’t appear to be the battery as all the lights and radio were coming on.  Called Nick and he said by describing the situation, it sounded like the starter or ignition switch. We knew having it towed to a shop was going to be ridiculous, but also that I can’t find a new car that I’m totally in love with.  Then I remembered that Luke’s dad is a mechanic and I called Gretchen (Luke’s mom) to see what he thought. He, too, came to the conclusion of starter or ignition switch.  He, awesomely, offered to take a look at it and help us out.  Thank goodness we pay for tow insurance so I was able to have it dropped off in the garage for him.  When we get in the process of towing, the gentleman asks to see what it is doing.  I show him, he tries to put on a battery starter, no luck.  He hooks it to the chain, goes to start it, and it starts!  I'm not started!  I don't believe it will happen so we have it do it again and again.  It always starts.  I drive it home and am bewildered.  I try to call Nick and discuss it, but he's in a meeting.  I decide if it will start again that I will drive to the parts store and get all the possible parts it could be for Luke's dad to try and respect his time.  I decide to leave the car running and run it.  When I get home for picking up the items, I turn the car off.  I realize that I wanted to be further back in the garage to give him more room and when I go to start it, it won't start!  Good thing I didn't turn it off at the auto parts store.  When Luke's dad was able to make it over, he banged on the starter to see if it would crank and sure enough, it did.  I hypothesize that when the tow truck driver was putting the chain on, he knocked the starter with his chain causing the same reaction.  He was able to get it chained and stopped one of the reason for the oil leak as an added bonus.  I feel so lucky that he was able to take his time after a long day of work to help us out.  I know now that my car is getting up there in miles and that I need to make a serious plan about what to do for my next car.  I need to work on falling in love with something. 

Here are the pics for the week:

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