Watched: The Super Bowl. I came down with a cold and I wasn't feeling especially excited about it, but it was fun to just sit around around and root for the Patriots too lose. If the Eagles would have made that first down and not had to kick the field goal, Nick would have won a square in his office pool. But alas, it didn't happen. I was glad to see the Patriots not get another win. Because I wasn't feeling great, we didn't have any big spread, but Nick made himself Hotwings and me a bowl of tomato soup and grilled cheese. Jack went with a Tositno's cheese pizza and several Sprites.
Read: I finished up The Bean Trees in plenty of time for book club. I’m really surprised at how much I liked this book. I read it for my face-to-face book club and I was kind of dreading it because it felt like having teeth pulled to finish The Poisonwood Bible. In The Bean Trees, I was introduced to characters I wanted to root for! There isn’t a lot of conflict, but I still found myself drawn to the story. I’m glad it wrapped up like it did. If you want a story where the characters are more important than the plot, I would recommend picking up this one. I didn't have any books come off hold soI decided to look through my TBR list and found Sam's Letters to Jennifer. I put it on the list almost 5 years ago and decided I would mark it off. This is book was a quick and sweet story about the enduring power of love. Great for a quick Valentine’s read. Next I started These Is My Words. Again, this another book that I have had on my TBR list for a long time. I marked this one almost 6 years ago. I really slowed down my reading and am just barely at the beginning of it.
Listened: To Jack tell me he was ready for wrestling to be over. The practices are long and hard and have been going for a little over 5 months. He knows he isn’t doing any more tournaments and so he is ready to wrap up. He knows that he has to complete his commitment even though he is tired. It will sure make football practice be so much easier than most kids.
Listened: To Jack tell me he was ready for wrestling to be over. The practices are long and hard and have been going for a little over 5 months. He knows he isn’t doing any more tournaments and so he is ready to wrap up. He knows that he has to complete his commitment even though he is tired. It will sure make football practice be so much easier than most kids.
Made: Champions of Character poster for our wrestling club. I really liked how it turned out. I saw they saying on a Facebook post and sent it to the head coach. We both thought it sent the message that our club tries to convey to all its wrestlers. They kids will be getting this as a poster rather than a cinch bag for the first level of Champions with Character.
Felt: Thankful for a handy husband who is able to do things around the house. Before the Super Bowl on Sunday, he took apart Jack's treadmill and took it to the basement where he had to run some new electrical to give it an outlet to run on. Then he installed a ceiling light in Jack's bedroom. It is so nice to be able to have some decent light in his room.
Planned: On it snowing in the afternoon of tournament and only giving us an inch. I know I shouldn't listen to the predictions or models. It was flurrying by 6:00am and really snowing by 7:00am. We ended up getting around 3 inches. It made for some interesting events at the tournament with refs not showing up, people wanting hot coffee like it was the best thing on earth. and not as many people coming out to support their wrestlers. However, we covered it all and came out looking awesome. I did a rough tally on Saturday night and we earned about $2500 for the club. I am pretty excited by that. It's a lot of work, but that's a lot of profit to help support our Champions with Character program. I ended up scoring the mat Jack was on. He won all 5 of his matches. You can watch them HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Loved: Having Nick home the whole week. We had a lot going on so we didn't get a ton of downtime together, but it is just so nice to have your partner around to support your everyday life. Someone to help your clear the kitchen dishes after dinner and someone to scratch your back when it itches. I always forget during the long stretches how nice it is to have him home. We are looking at starting him being gone for two week stretches pretty consistently through the month of March. No one is really looking forward to it, but it will be nice for him to not have to drive and to be able to focus on his work without worrying about getting in time with his family too. We are looking forward to him coming home next weekend for our trip down to the Sand Dunes.
Here are the pics for the week:

Felt: Thankful for a handy husband who is able to do things around the house. Before the Super Bowl on Sunday, he took apart Jack's treadmill and took it to the basement where he had to run some new electrical to give it an outlet to run on. Then he installed a ceiling light in Jack's bedroom. It is so nice to be able to have some decent light in his room.
Planned: On it snowing in the afternoon of tournament and only giving us an inch. I know I shouldn't listen to the predictions or models. It was flurrying by 6:00am and really snowing by 7:00am. We ended up getting around 3 inches. It made for some interesting events at the tournament with refs not showing up, people wanting hot coffee like it was the best thing on earth. and not as many people coming out to support their wrestlers. However, we covered it all and came out looking awesome. I did a rough tally on Saturday night and we earned about $2500 for the club. I am pretty excited by that. It's a lot of work, but that's a lot of profit to help support our Champions with Character program. I ended up scoring the mat Jack was on. He won all 5 of his matches. You can watch them HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Loved: Having Nick home the whole week. We had a lot going on so we didn't get a ton of downtime together, but it is just so nice to have your partner around to support your everyday life. Someone to help your clear the kitchen dishes after dinner and someone to scratch your back when it itches. I always forget during the long stretches how nice it is to have him home. We are looking at starting him being gone for two week stretches pretty consistently through the month of March. No one is really looking forward to it, but it will be nice for him to not have to drive and to be able to focus on his work without worrying about getting in time with his family too. We are looking forward to him coming home next weekend for our trip down to the Sand Dunes.
Here are the pics for the week:

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