Tuesday, 9 January 2018

A Week in Review (December 31-January 6)

A Week in Review (December 31-January 6)

Watched: Jack wrestle.  It was a big improvement over his last tournament, but he is definitely having hard time adjusting to the higher weight and older age group that 10U brings.  He ended up getting third in a 5-man bracket.  You can see his matches HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Read:  I finished up Running Barefoot.  This was a very fast reading book, but it was a little heavy on the faith aspect for me to enjoy it as a romance. Nice and easy book to end the year with.  I also read Red Queen this week.  I'm not really sure how this book garnered the 2015 Goodreads award or continues to have such overwhelming popularity. It is very much written in the same lines as Hunger Games or Divergent. I will read at least the next book in the series, Glass Sword, because I have already borrowed it from my local library in anticipation of loving this one. Maybe I'm just in a different place than I was when I read Hunger Games and Divergent, but I just didn't love it as much. I think how easily Mare was manipulated was really a sticking point for me.   

Listened: To Nick hammer away in his garage after the Chiefs blew a 21-3 lead in the playoffs.  It was pretty heartbreaking for him.  I can't believe that they managed to let such a large lead slip away. He did have to recover pretty quickly because we had the KU game to watch that night as well.  They, too, got out to a pretty large lead that they let slip away.  Luckily, the managed to pull off an on-the-road victory at a top 25 school to save Nick from double heartbreak.  I am not sure how he would have taken it.

Made: A large honey-do list for Nick when he gets home. He hasn't been home since the 21st of December and several of my Christmas presents were projects that he will have to work on.  For the first time in his work history, we had to miss the company party.  We had plans to go, but with the Chiefs game, KU game, wrestling, and so many projects we just decided to skip it.  Ryan came over after wrestling on Saturday and helped knock out a couple of the things on the list by helping us pull down the lights off the roof and working with Nick to install my fireplace blower.  I am so excited that fireplace blower works so.  It makes it more than just a little decorative piece.  It can actually boost the entire living rooms temps now!  Ryan also helped us bring home a treadmill.  Someone in our neighborhood group was selling it for $40!  Jack loves the one at my mom's so we bought it as an early present for him.

Felt: Happy that was Nora was so excited to see me when we picked her from Mindy's on Monday.  She was pretty jubilant to know that we had returned.  I think she was ready to go back to being in a one-dog household.  Its fun to play with friends and all, but they get exhausting.  She is finally getting the hang of her bed that we got her for Christmas.  She wasn't really sure what to do with it, but seems to have figured it out.

Planned: Jack's party.  He has a lot of big ideas but I think its going to be a lot of fun.  He is doing a party based off two You Tube channels, Battle Universe and Team Edge.  We have several fun games on the line up and a good group of boys coming over to be his team.  Ideally, I will be able to record it and post it to YouTube so he can relive the memories whenever he wants.

Loved: Breaking in the New Year with my boys and Roy and his boys.  We spent a lot of the evening with the boys messing around more in the workout room.  At about 11:30, we went out to play some Monopoly Gamer.  There was a group of people playing spoons, a large number of people going out for a Midnight Run (and it was so, so, so cold!) and one family with a sweet little 2 year old.  When people came back in from their run, we cheered them in and we let the two year old play with us and see her sweet face as we cheered.  Keegan complimented one of the spoons players on her fancy red slippers and she gave them to him (and everyone wanted them) when she left.  After we done with our game, we went back up the room and played some more Wii.  Roy and his boys left about 2:30 and Jack and I stayed up until around 4:00 playing together.  It made for a long drive home the next day.

Here are the pics for the week:

How four boys ages 11-8 sleep on one queen size bed

Jack in the fancy red slippers

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