Tuesday, 7 November 2017

A Week in Review (October 29-November 4)

A Week in Review (October 29-November 4)

Watched: The Shining. Jack came home telling scary stories that Miss Coomes had read in class. I thought it would be fun to end our Halloween night with a spooky show that wouldn’t be too scary.  He liked it as well as you can like any scary movie. He was totally freaked out that he and the main character share the same first name.

Read: I got a bit more into my book They Both Die at the End; but I still didn’t make it very far. I’m kind of behind on everything else and I’m just not prioritizing books. I really need that to change!

Listened: To parents complain about the length of matches. Jack’s second wrestling match seemed awfully long. Apparently they had them on 90 second periods which is what you work up too as you age. However, for kids that aren’t ready it’s quite the body shock.  Luckily I said something to a Dad whose club was hosting the tournament and they resolved the issue. Jack ended up getting third losing to one opponent by one point and the other by two points in OT.  You can watch his matches HEREHEREHEREHERE, and HERE

Made: A big goofy pumpkin for our annual pumpkin carving. Nick went the odd route and went very traditional with his face. Jack went with NFL heartbreaks. I’m glad that Nick was home and had helped me get the kitchen in good enough order so that we could carve pumpkins as a family.

Felt: Chilly on Halloween night. We’ve been fortunate to only have warm Halloween’s for Jack’s first 8 years, but this one was chilly. I was glad his outfit had warm fleece tights and we could easily put on two shirts. Nick also made me realize that beanies wouldnt hurt our costumes since we had masks on. We walked around the new neighborhood for a bit. There was one really fun culdesac that had lots of people participating and lots of fun decorations up. After that we headed back to the old neighborhood to the known full size candy bars and then off to the spooky Fairfax cemetery, which is actually the house of a classmate. We ended our trick or treating by swinging by Landon’s house.

Planned: Details of poker night for the wrestling club. It will be a fun night that will bring in a good chunk of change to be able to finance our parties and Champions of  Character gear.  It’s nice working with other people who are good at getting things done.

Loved: Having Nick home for the whole week. It made me feel so much less stress and it’s nice having a partner to share in the responsiblities of child raising. He also got a ton of stuff done around the house. I’ve put several pictures below.  I tried to get before and after when I remembered.

Here are the pics for the week:

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