Monday, 9 January 2017

A Week in Review (January 1-7)

A Week in Review (January 1-7)

Watched: Nora act like a scared little girl when she had to go in for her yearly shots.  I love how she just knew that she was at the vet and that good things just don't happen there.  They want us to cut back her food as he felt she was losing a bit of her waistline and labs are known to have weight issues since they love food so much.  Otherwise, they think she is doing great.  He noticed that all her teeth look great too. I guess all that destructive chewing is good for something!

Read:  I read The Snow Child this week.  A fairy tale about an old woman who believes in fairy tales. Definitely not like many adult fiction novels. I enjoyed it, but I'm not sure I would recommend it to everyone. I think if you love fairy tales, it is a big hit. If you don't, this book most likely won't hit the spot for you.

Listened: To lots of good discussion on our latest book at delayed book club.  It is so fun to sit around talking about the points of the book with people who enjoy novels the way you do.  We even pulled some of the topic questions out of the back of the book.  It was all literary and stuff.  We, of course, enjoyed plenty of good food (made by yours truly) and conversation.  I am very thankful that Katie asked me to join.

Made: A fool of myself at Nick's company party.  Thank goodness it was only in front of friends of ours.  They had it bowling alley this year and I was the first one one up.  I went out there to toss my ball and went flying with it down the alley. I banged up my knee and severely injured my pride, but it was a good source of laughter the rest of the night.  We paired off as couples to see which team could get the highest score.  On the first game, Nick and I came in second.  One the second game, we came in first.  It helped that I bowled pretty decent with 112!  They took us back to our dinner room at the end of the night.  It was there that they announced the winners of various trophies.  Little did Katie know that all her fancy moves she was attempting to do, but failing horribly at, would win her a trophy.  She ended up winning a bronze toilet for the worst score of the group.  Ha-ha-hilarious!

Felt:  Very proud of Jack.  On Saturday, he wrestled his first tournament in a month.  It was the Southern Regionals which means there is no seeding.  He had fourteen people in his bracket and he ended in fifth place.  The kids that won were all "A" wrestlers who have a lot more experience than he does.  I love how hard he tries when he is on the mat. If you watch all the matches, you will hear me yelling at him not to cry on the mat in the fifth one.  It's something we've been striving for and I was trying to remind him of that, but I know I sound awfully mean.  You can watch his matches HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Planned: On playing the hat games with Jack's friends before heading out to a free basketball clinic put on by the same college where they did summer camp.  However, the boys didn't want to play and managed to have a great time together.  I just piddled around the house getting some things don't that I otherwise wouldn't have.  It was nice to knock it out and have Jack be able to enjoy himself with friends.  The camp was really nicely ran too.  Jack was one of the hotter shooters for his group that day so that always makes it more enjoyable for him to watch.

Loved: That they called on snow day on Thursday.  I really just wanted a fun day to stay home and hang out just me and my boy.  We played some video games, watched some TV, messed around a bit around the house.  I didn't even get out of my PJs until after Nick got home.  He took Jack over the Petersen's to do some wrestling drill work with Rylan.  I ended up going out and scooping and cleaning up the house while they were away.  It was really nice to have a bonus day off that didn't crunch into my to-do list of things I wanted to achieve.

Here are the pics for the week:

Look at my cute girl!

Pics from camp.  I was pretty far away, but you can still see him out there.


He tried to wait up, but he just didn't make it.

Katie and her bronze toilet

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