Wednesday, 7 December 2016

A Week in Review (November 27-December 3)

A Week in Review (November 27-December 3)

Watched: My Broncos lose in overtime to the dreaded Chiefs.  We had a couple of friends over, so our poking at each other was much less than it has been in previous years.  It was a harder match for me to watch because I was so used to ribbing my friend Laurie too.  The game just didn't have the same feeling for me.  I really hope this isn't the year that Chiefs sweep the Broncos, but given the fact that we lost on our home turf, our chances aren't looking great.

Read:  I finished up The Traitor's Wife: The Woman Behind Benedict Arnold and the Plan to Betray America.  I enjoyed this story about a piece of American history that I wasn't all that familiar with. My American History teacher in high school left a lot to be desired and I haven't taken the time to probably fill in the gaps in my knowledge. In my mind, the American Revolution had happened mostly before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In reading this book, I learned that I was so wrong about that. I also learned more about Benedict Arnold. While I knew his name was synonymous with traitor, I really didn't know why. Reading the section, A Note on History and Sources was an excellent way to conclude the journey. If you are an Historical Fiction fan, I think you will enjoy this novel.  Next, I started In a Dark, Dark Wood.  I am doing it as a buddy read with my friend and I am looking forward to sharing a book with her.

Listened: The Killer's new Christmas release.  It made me so emotional.  It really shows the power that a moment can have on you.  It's number 11 on their new Christmas album, which I snapped up right away.  If you want to check it out, you can go HERE.

Made: Round 1 of my Christmas goodies. Rather than making an entire basket of goodies, I decided to do a little bit each week.  I thought maybe people would like a sweet treat rather than getting hammered with all their goodies at once.  I made caramel and rice krispie coated marshmallows.  They were the winner of the week for being the favorite.  You can find the recipe HERE.  I also made chocolate orange cookies and I thought they were great.  I don't know if they were extremely popular with everyone else though. HERE is that recipe if you are interested.

Felt: Relieved when the Holiday Shop and Craft Fair was all done.  It won't be until the beginning of the March that I have another major event and even those are no where close to the last two. I have been event planning since the middle of October and I am glad for a break!

Planned: For most scenarios for the Holiday Shop and Craft Fair.  It went off really well with the kids having a great time shopping and the parents and vendors enjoy the Craft Fair.  It seemed like everything took a lot longer than I thought it was going to, but in the end, it was all worth it.  We even signed a contract so that we can get $150 free in Holiday Shop bucks for the kids who may not be able to shop otherwise.  I love seeing that happen for our families.  Only 364 days until I am doing it again.  :)

Loved: Decorating the tree with my boys.  With the game and all of our company, we did not get a chance to decorate it until Monday night.  I love going through the box and reflecting on each memory the ornament (or the person who gave it to us) brings me.  Jack putting a whole a group of ornaments right together on the tree and rather than space them out, I left right as he put them.  He may one day like his ornaments spaced apart, but I want to remember when he was little and liked them all grouped together.  He attempted to put the star on all by himself this year, but he's just not tall enough yet.  He will great there all too soon!  I also love the way my mantle turned out.  It makes me so happy to look at it.  My mother-in-law bought me a new piece that lights up.  If you look really close at the Believe sign you can see the lights glowing in it.

Here are the pics for the week:

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Don't they look so yummy? 

A few of the vendors getting set up Friday night

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