Monday, 16 May 2016

A Week in Review (May 8-14)

A Week in Review (May 8-14)

Watched: Jack and Nick each show off their upper body strength.  Nick wanted to get a pull up bar so that he could vary his workout at home.  We found a nice one on Craiglist and the boys got right to using it.  Even in my youthful, skinny days, I could not do a pull up.  It is so funny to see how much better Jack and Nick both are at them.  Jack has set a goal for himself of being able to do seven in a row.  I think he has maxed out at four right now.  He wanted me to take a picture of his muscles so that he could check himself out.  I laughed quite hard at that, but that I would share the picture so you could see his muscles too.

Read: On Mother's Day, I was able to finish up Stars Above, which is from the Lunar chronicles.   I really enjoyed reading some of the back stories to the original works. I am also glad that her final story wrapped it up the way it did. A great read for anyone who has read the Lunar chronicles.  Next, I quickly read Dark Places.  This book is disturbing and full of dark places you might not want to go. I read it at quite a quick pace always needing to know what happened next. It was easy for me to picture the places since it was set in Kansas. I am just about Libby's age too, so that resounded with me even more. If you want a "what the hell happened" kind of feeling, pick this book up.  I decided I would try to get another book off my shelf if in Dreams from my Father, but I must be having book hangover because I just can't get going on it.

Listened: To Nick's lament his day spent as a Watch Dog at Jack's school.  He really does not enjoy his time spent in the school, but every year, he makes sure to take a day.  While I know he dreads it, I know that Jack is on the exact opposite end of the spectrum and loves it.  I think as long as it continues to mean a lot of Jack, Nick will suck it up and spend the day in the school.  You can tell he really loves his kid when he even wears a shirt with purple on it for him.

Made: An appointment to get my haircut and colored.  I haven't had my hair colored since Valerie's wedding, almost two years ago.  I decided to splurge and go with a more expensive stylist so that I could really get a good cut and color.  I think she did fantastic.  I posted a picture to Facebook and received a ton of compliments.  That sure did make a girl feel good!

Felt: Excited about my great finds from Lane Bryant.  They sent me a coupon for $15 off $15.  I realized that I almost missed the day, so the final day the coupon was valid, I stopped by.  It just so happened to be BOGO on clearance that day.  I was able to score $70 of tops for $10!  I was pretty thrilled.  You can even see one of them in the picture with my new haircut.

Planned: On not doing anything for Jack's school outside of my normal volunteering, but I got an email from the counselor saying she was having a hard time getting business to give her donations for the final Pride Assembly, so I got right on making some calls and drafting a letter.  Overall, I think that we did pretty good for a last minute push.  We received passes to mini-golf, It'z, House of Bounce, Sky Zone, and tons for the Fish Bowl at Bass Pro.

Loved: Celebrating Mother's Day with my boys. We started the morning off with French toast. Next the boys assembled the picnic table for our backyard. Then they ran to the store to get food to grill on it. While they were gone, I was able to get a lot of my book read.  After we finished up dinner, we headed off for a Landsharks race. Jack ran the mile at 8:22. I was really proud of his pace and of how much he put into the last lap of the race.  When we got home, Jack made me a cake in a cup with sprinkles stuck inside a peach.  It was quite the fun day.  

Here are the pics for the week:

My Mother's Day Collage

Jack and Nick on his Watch Dog day

My new haircut

The boy showing off his muscles

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