Wednesday, 20 April 2016

A Week in Review (April 10-16)

A Week in Review (April 10-16)

Watched: Weird Science with Jack. It was so much more risqué than I remembered. I wonder how much of it went over his head. I am hoping a lot of it. He really liked it for whatever reason. I am looking forward to sharing more 80s movies with him, but I think I will watch them in advance next time.

Read: I finished up Crossed.  After completing this book in the series, I feel like it should have been written as one long book rather than broken up into a trilogy. There wasn't any real action in this book and I am hoping that the third book is almost all climax and conclusion. I will stick it out because I have to know how it ends.  I also finished up Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore.  I really enjoyed the majority of this story. I like the references to current pop culture.  I like the mystery. The description of spaces totally transported me there. The ending was just okay for me.  I know it really couldn't have worked out many other ways though. I did love the epilogue though. No wondering about what happens to characters for me! Next, I made a small start on  Three Wishes.  My reading partner found it.  It is by the same author who wrote What Alice Forgot.  It has triplets for the main characters, which is why it caught her eye.  It will be interesting to see what happens.

Listened: To a most peculiar phone call. On Friday, Jack had a fellow student tell him that he was going to kill him. This isn't the first time and I told Jack if he felt umcomfortable that he should tell a teacher. Apparently he did so, which lead to the school calling security and Jack having to file a report. The child apologized to Jack and had other consequences. Hopefully everyone learned the power of words and how careful we must be them. 

Made: The official date for Academy Little League Chipotle fundraiser.  I am pretty excited because they are allowing us to use three locations for our families. I really hope that the community and league comes out well in support of this event.

Felt: Excited about Jack's spring picture. He looks so absolutely handsome in it.  He hasn't lost anymore teeth in a while so he had a nice even smile. He picked the background and the pose himself. The only drawback was that they didn't send me enough 8X10s and so I have to wait 3 weeks for the grandparents pictures to arrive.

Planned: On a weekend full of sports but Mother Nature had other plans.  My mom was even slated to come down, but when we looked at the forecast we decided it would be better to push it off to another weekend.  Good thing we did because we got the snow that they were calling for. It didn't really stick to the roads, but did make it unpleasant to be out in and totally unable to play sports.  Luckily the organizers of spring sports around here know what they are doing and we already have make up dates in the calendar.

Loved: Celebrating my birthday.  I love birthdays and therefore I really can't hate aging. I find it odd when I comb hair and find large chunks of gray at my temples. I don't feel old enough to be gray, but it is without doubt that they are there.  Since my birthday fell on Monday, it was full of checking off my to-do list. We also had a special Monday night baseball practice.

Here are the pics for the week:

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