Sunday, 7 February 2016

A Week in Review (January 31-Feb 6)

A Week in Review (January 31-Feb 6)

Watched: Jack have a good time sledding down the hill with his friends. We had a snow day on Monday and so he was able to just go have a ball with his friends. They stayed out there for almost an hour, steadily going up and down the hill.  I went over for about 2/3 of the time and got some fun shots.  They also tried to go out the next day, but it was a lot windier and they didn't last quite as long.

Read: I did a buddy read with my friend back in Kansas of The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August.  It was a lot of fun sharing thoughts about the book with a fellow reader.  We each enjoyed some of the same things about the book, but we took different things away from it.  I think it's a book Nick would like to read so I have encouraged him to read it too.  The idea behind the book is fairly original and hooked me right away. For some reason I was left dissatisfied with the ending. I guess maybe I wanted to see the antagonist reaction to climax.  The next book I started was The Tao of Pooh.  The same day I started it, Winter came off my holds shelf.  Guess I will be busy for a while!

Listened: To Jack have a good time with his friend at Dart Warz. The friend was unable to attend Jack's birthday and so we made plans for them to go back another day.  It took a while for the friend to warm up to the venue, but once he did, there was lots of big laughs and smiles. Love all the great friends that he is making.

Made: Jack's cabbage costume for his school play on 11th.  I wasn't sure how it was all going to come together, but I think it came together quite nicely. Because he chose to be a cabbage, he will get a speaking line in addition to his dancing role. I had to get pretty creative to put the puffy paint on the sleeves. I just kept thinking how lucky I was to spend so many years as a preschool teacher so I could learn some tricks and expand my creative side.

Felt: A little stir crazy because of all the snow.  The storm ended up dropping about 20" on us and they called three justifiable snow days. They even gave parents the ability to call your kid in for the fourth day if you didn't feel that you could safely get your kid to school. We ended up taking Nora out to a self wash station. I threw the kids shovel in the car, just in case. Luckily, we didn't need it. We really enjoyed Wag and Wash. Nora got a new rope toy that she goes nuts for and a warm oatmeal bath with a hot aloe conditioner.  They also sent us away with a bag of goodies from their bakery. 

Planned: My Super Bowl 50 menu with my friend Sherry. She is going bring Stromboli, little smokies, and a 7 layer dip. I will be making buffalo chicken dip, a creamy avocado dip, a veggie tray, and some mint chocolate chip cookies.  We will also have homemade refried beans and salsa. I am excited to eat some yummy food as we cheer on the Broncos.

Loved: Watching Jack wrestle. He came out with his best three matches of the season. He was pretty frustrated with his dance card matches of last week and resolved to not let that happen again. You can see the improvement, even though the videos were not as good. You can see them HERE and HERE and HERE.  He was excited because his wrestling buddy also got first.

Here are the pics for the week:

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