Monday, 28 September 2015

A Week in Review (September 20-26)

A Week in Review (September 20-26)

Watched: Jack almost qualify for the state track meet. He shaved about 1:35 off his time. I was amazed at the difference. He had a running partner and it made a huge difference. They did some training together this week to see if that will help him shave off the last 10 seconds that he needs to qualify for state. We will just have to wait and see!

Read: Well the reading challenge worked. I was able to finish up Everything I Never Told YouI had a hard time connecting with the characters in this book. Maybe it's because I am not "different". It did do an excellent job pointing out the high stress that comes with children feeling like they must behave in certain ways to keep their parents happy. Sometimes that burden is just too hard to handle.  I also finished up The Pennyroyal AcademyI found this book from a list of books recommend by Reese Witherspoon. I thought it sounded interesting and an easy read so I picked it up. It was a 2.5 star book for me. I did like the overall idea that princess weren't just pretty girls, but fighters of witches. Girls who are made of courage, compassion, kindness, and discipline. But sadly, the writing just felt very disjointed for me and a little to piggy back on Potter. If you have an 8-10 year old daughter and are looking for a read aloud, this might not be a bad choice. Otherwise, if steer clear.   I am now working on The Martian. Nick LOVES the story and is so excited that they made it into a movie.  We will go see it together opening night, next Friday, October 3rd. Therefore there is no time to slack on this one.

Listened: To Jack have a good time playing at soccer.  He really enjoys playing all the positions.  I think he also likes being the super star of his team.  It is nice because he hears it from the other parents, not just his own.  There is some bad weather forecasted for next week, so I took my camera and captured some good pictures of him this week.
Made:  Good progress on my picture project. I am trying to get all the stuff sorted so that I can scan it in and then I can file it away.  It is a major project and will likely take me many months at the 15 minutes a day that I have allotted to it, but as the saying goes, slow and steady wins the race!

Felt: Excited that Jack finally lost his other front tooth. His adult tooth had poked through almost 2 weeks ago and it wasn't showing signs of getting loose. Luckily he got hit in the mouth and jarred it almost completely loose.  We convinced him, but it wasn't easy, to get let us finishing pulling it out on Saturday.

Planned: On cooking dinner Saturday night, but after joking about catching one of the ducks at the lake for dinner, both the boys decided that they wanted duck.  We did some research about where to eat it and found a Chinese place up by our house. As we walked up the door said "Enjoyment without Regrets". It was a bit disturbing. The food was yummy and both Nick and Jack enjoyed the duck. Jack said he could see it as a once a month place. 

Loved: Playing the hat game with Jack and Nick after the KU game on Saturday. We played some board games, baseball, went to the lake, and played monkey in the middle in the dark.

Here are the pics for the week:

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