Tuesday, 14 July 2015

A Week in Review (July 5-11)

A Week in Review (July 5-11)

Watched: Our neighbors dog for a couple of days. We really enjoyed having her over. She turned 3 on Saturday and still is like a big puppy.  She loves to play and her and Jack got along so well. It will be so fun to watch his relationship develop with his own dog. 

Read:  I finished up The Ship of Brides.  Definitely not my favorite JoJo Moyes book. It started off very slowly and was disjointed feeling. The characters all lacked strong voices and so it took a while to know whose point of view you were reading from. It took me a long time to get 3/4 of the way through it, but the last 100 pages went by rather quickly.  I would recommend skipping this one unless you are really interested in the topic.  Next, I started reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society.  It is set in the post World War II time frame so it flowed with after finishing The Ship of Brides.  It is told in letters.  I am enjoying it, but I don't see it drawing me in for a quick read.

Listened: To Jack and Nick discuss how the were going to pull his tooth out with some floss.  Apparently, Nick tied to his tooth and to the door handle and then they slammed the door shut.  He is the first kiddo that I know to lose four bottom teeth and no top ones.  We are going to visit the dentist shortly after we get to the Springs to see what a new dentist will think.  They have been thinking they should be coming out anytime for the last 1.5 years!  He does look really cute with the two symmetrical holes in his mouth though.

Made:  A homemade slushie with Root Beer.  While it tasted good, it made a great mess!  The carbonation caused the lid to explode off and then leak out the sides.  Despite the mess it was making, we kept shaking for the necessary 5 minutes to get a good slushie consistency.  We had a good laugh, but I think that next time we will try something without carbonation for a less messy good time.

Felt: Disappointed with the weather for this week's swim lessons.  We had to miss twice because of rainy days.  At least on the positive side, Jack still passed the back stroke and moved onto learning the butterfly.  He has really enjoyed the quick progression that he has had through the lessons here.  I have enjoyed the reasonable price and watching him having fun.  He is thinking about looking into what a summer swim team might be like next year.  Who knows what a year will bring though?

Planned: On avoiding the crowds by eating at the new pancake place in town on a Sunday.  I had heard lots of good things about them and they had a Groupon so I took advantage.  I wanted to make sure we got it used, so we went on Sunday.  There was an hour wait at 1:30.  It was crazy to me.  Nothing is busy around here on Sunday afternoon.  We did end up getting sat in about half the time.  The food was good, but it wouldn't routinely be worth a crazy wait time.  Jack liked some of the decor and snapped some pictures.  I posted them below for you.

Loved: Exploring the Trax system and downtown with Jack.  We decided that it would be fun to ride the light rail into downtown Salt Lake.  Jack thought that it was great that he got to monkey around instead of sitting in a booster seat.  I thought it was nice not having to navigate the downtown traffic.  We had lunch at the Lion House Pantry.  We had a great carrot cake for dessert.  Jack said it was the best he has ever had.  Then we walked to The Leonardo, an interactive art and science attraction.  I typed the wrong address into Google Maps so we walked about a mile out of our way, but we eventually found it and enjoyed ourselves there.  Our favorite thing was the magnetic marble wall.  I didn't get any pictures, just a video.  It isn't very exciting to watch without knowing what was going on.  If you want to see it, just let me know and I will make sure you can.    

Here are the pics for the week:

Pictures from inside the Original Pancake House in Sandy

Enjoying the fruits of his labor

Doesn't she look right at home?

4 kids finished with the sprinkler and not exactly photo ready.

Being silly riding the Trax to downtown

Messing around on the green screen at The Leonardo

The fountain outside the downtown Salt Lake City libary

Stella with her birthday yogurt

How cute is that face?

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