Monday, 22 June 2015

A Week in Review (June 14-20)

A Week in Review (June 14-20)

Watched: Jack be so excited to use his money to be able to buy things. It is so nice that he saves his money so that he can get the things he wants. I am so glad that he chose to look at a couple different stores trying to find the best price. If you are one of the awesome people who give him cash to spend please know that he gets full control over his wallet and the things he wants to buy. I do provide guidance, but the ultimate decision lies with him. 

Read:  I finally finished The Hypnotist's Love Story. I gave it 4 stars. This is an interesting story about how easily things can spin out of control. I really (scarily so) identified with Saskia. I didn't find Patrick to be a very redeeming character. I think this is most likely out of my identification with Saskia. If you are looking for an intriguing summer read, I'd say pick this one up.

Listened: To Jack tell me that our friend had put her "hand" in the water at a new splash pad we went to check out.  He kept saying it and I kept saying it was okay. Then he hit the ending sound super hard and I realized that all along he had been telling me that she put her "ham" in it.  Oops!  No wonder he had been so concerned.  The streams running through the park did make it fun to watch things float down them.

Made: A friend feel a bit happier by sending him a Monday evening selfie. It was a good reminder that we need to let others see our light shine so that they can shine too.

Felt: Happy to see my brother and his wife. They were kind enough to bring Jack back to Cheyenne. We met at Chipotle for a nice lunch and even played two rounds of neighbor before getting on our way.

Planned: To go to dinner with one of the engineers on Nick's project who had two girls who Nick thought were around Jack's age. They ended up being 15 month old twins, but we still had a nice time.  Jack got to taste a fresh from the garden raspberry, which he gave a sideways thumb too. The girls were very enamored with him. Whenever he talked, they would get totally quiet to listen to him.

Loved: Our camping trip for Father's Day.  Nick was able to take a half day on Friday and we got our camp set up nice and early in the day.  We went and looked around the campground and found an awesome little side trail that led to a stream and lots of down twigs which made good kindling.That night we roasted marshmallows and tried the Fudge Striped cookie version of a s'more--so yummy!  The next day we went to Lisa Falls, which is an unmarked waterfall in Little Cottonwood Canyon.  It was great because it really allowed Jack to do more climbing as compared to hiking.  That evening we built boats and launched them down the river. Both Jack's and Nick's made it further than mine as far as we could tell. We are big fans of camping in Utah for the cool nights and the lack of bugs!

Here are the pics for the week:

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