Wednesday, 29 April 2015

A Week in Review (April 19-25)

A Week in Review (April 19-25)

Watched: Jack play his first machine pitch game. He did a pretty good job, but his whole team is kind of like the Bad News Bears. They really don't seem to understand the baseball concept.  It was super sunny and pretty hard to see and harder to get pictures.  We will definitely want to take our ball caps next time.  I missed the Thursday game since I was in KC, but Nick sent me some text updates and it sounded like it went a bit smoother. 

Read: I made it through The Death Cure, finally!  I thought this was such a disappointing end to the series. I felt like the characters became more shallow and that the book was really rushed in parts and extremely slow in others. I was a fan of the ending though, so that made me give it an overall three stars where the rest of the book would have had it be about a 2.5.  I completed all of the novella Fairest.  It is from the Lunar Chronicle series that I have been reading. Next, I started up Vanishing Girls. It is a pretty quick read so far. I hope it continues that way since I have two more that need to be read soon too.

Listened: To Jack countdown the days to my trip.  He was so excited to get to have the time with just Dad.  They seemed to have a great time, as Jack is already asking when I will take another trip. He did concede that he missed me quite badly at bedtime. Dad just couldn't compare in the snuggles department. 

Made: A quick stop before I left for the airport. My friend who spent 7 years in Lawrence has family in the KC area. She knew that I was leaving my luggage half open for any garage sale deals that I might find and so she asked me to take some of her hand-me-downs to her sister in law. It was great because I knew just how much stuff I had space for on my return trip!  And if you're wondering, I did find some good deals in KC to bring back with me. 

Felt: A horrible case of allergies as soon as I landed in KC. I never really had a problem with seasonal allergies so I was quite unprepared for it.  I can see why so many people complain about it. It is quite an intense issue to deal with the mucus and itchy eyes all the time. 

Planned: On eating out more while I was on vacation, but I was treated to a couple delicious home cooked meals with my friends. I am lucky to be friends with people who are good cooks!  Much better for me than restaurant food. :)

Loved: Seeing everyone in KC. I didn't get to see absolutely everyone I would have liked to or for as long as I would have liked, but it brought me such great joy to spend time with those I could.  I am so glad that I could make it back in time to celebrate the last Bunco before one friend became a Mrs and another became a mama!

Here are the pics for the week:

Here is the bride we celebrated.

And the mama to be

So sad I don't have regular access to this 

My new shower curtain

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