A Week in Review (March 22-28)
Watched: Jayhawks lose. It was pretty sad. They just never played with the fire that it takes for a win against a team that is really gunning for you. It will be interesting to see if KU schedules them in the next year now.
Read: I finished up The Bees. Have you ever read a book, got to the end, and thought WTF? That's exactly where this book led me. If it were an accurately fictionalized account of life in a hive, it might have been more enjoyable. Mostly I just kept thinking it must be about how caddy and power hungry people can be. And the over emphasis on the sexual prowess of the drones was just too much. Not a book I would recommend. Because I couldn't handle starting up another sci-fi book, I picked up Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography. I haven't made it very far, but it is quite funny.
Listened: Reader's Theater. I was so happy for the kiddos. They were so proud of themselves. They worked really hard and delivered their lines with feeling this time. They are still pretty hard to hear. If you want, you can watch Jack's performance HERE.
Listened: Reader's Theater. I was so happy for the kiddos. They were so proud of themselves. They worked really hard and delivered their lines with feeling this time. They are still pretty hard to hear. If you want, you can watch Jack's performance HERE.
Made: Easter Egg Garland. I saw this floating around on Pinterest and thought I would give it a shot. It was an easy fun way to spruce up the banister. It's easily a craft that you could with kids to work on a lot of math skills.
Felt: Overwhelmed. I went in on Monday thinking we would put a plan together of when I would start. Turns out they wanted to be Tuesday. I drove over to the building as instructed. Turns out they forgot to tell me to take a few things. So I had to go back home to get them. As I was driving, I had a friend ask for help so, of course, I said yes. Jack was a big hello entertaining the little guy while I got electronically fingerprinted. My first day was crazy because people weren't really sure what to expect and my supervisor was gone all day in meetings. I feel like I am getting into a rhythm now. The time sure does fly while I am there!
Planned: On lunch entree at the House of Tibet, but when I got there they were only serving the buffet. I decided to visit because it was part of my New Years Resolutions to try a new food. I really enjoyed the beef MoMo's. If you want to read a bit more about it (and catch up on my other resolutions) you can do that HERE.
Loved: Saturday. Jack and I woke up to head down to the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. I can't believe that we have so many kids in our neighborhood. Do they ever come outside? Jack was glad because his classmate that moved away around Halloween was able to attend this one with her grandma. After the hunt, which included a cool candy cannon. We went down to have some more Banbury Cross Donuts and play at Liberty park. The park was too busy, so we went exploring. It lead to a day full of fun. We visited Red Rocks Brewery, where they actually sell cold beer! Nick was even able to pick up an Elafino bottle opener keychain. Next we went to a park. As we drove by, we got the most beautiful view of the city. I tried to capture it on my phone, but it totally failed to capture the awe of it. We were getting hungry so we head to The Pie. Our brains were much bigger than our stomachs! We ordered way to much food, but it will make good leftovers. We ordered the Greek Pizza and it was yummy! Finally, we went back to Liberty Park. We were having lots of playing different games with Jack's playground ball from Grandma Teri. We were exploring the pond area and Jack kept bouncing the ball. Nick warned him several times that he should stop, but as 7 year olds often don't, it went in the water. He was distraught. I haven't seen him that upset about anything in ages. He was running all around the pond, crying hysterically, wondering how he could get it back. There was a lot of netting and it got caught up in it more than a time or two. He begged me to call his grandma so that she could tell him where she got it. He just had to replace it. At that moment, it broke free and made it's way to shore. It almost went down another canal, but luckily Nick was able to use a stick to get it to the shore. I have never seen a man more happily reunited with a ball. When it was all over, we came home and watched some basketball. Nick likes to call it "re-runs" because basketball season is over. It was a great day!
Here are the pics for the week:
Felt: Overwhelmed. I went in on Monday thinking we would put a plan together of when I would start. Turns out they wanted to be Tuesday. I drove over to the building as instructed. Turns out they forgot to tell me to take a few things. So I had to go back home to get them. As I was driving, I had a friend ask for help so, of course, I said yes. Jack was a big hello entertaining the little guy while I got electronically fingerprinted. My first day was crazy because people weren't really sure what to expect and my supervisor was gone all day in meetings. I feel like I am getting into a rhythm now. The time sure does fly while I am there!
Planned: On lunch entree at the House of Tibet, but when I got there they were only serving the buffet. I decided to visit because it was part of my New Years Resolutions to try a new food. I really enjoyed the beef MoMo's. If you want to read a bit more about it (and catch up on my other resolutions) you can do that HERE.
Loved: Saturday. Jack and I woke up to head down to the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. I can't believe that we have so many kids in our neighborhood. Do they ever come outside? Jack was glad because his classmate that moved away around Halloween was able to attend this one with her grandma. After the hunt, which included a cool candy cannon. We went down to have some more Banbury Cross Donuts and play at Liberty park. The park was too busy, so we went exploring. It lead to a day full of fun. We visited Red Rocks Brewery, where they actually sell cold beer! Nick was even able to pick up an Elafino bottle opener keychain. Next we went to a park. As we drove by, we got the most beautiful view of the city. I tried to capture it on my phone, but it totally failed to capture the awe of it. We were getting hungry so we head to The Pie. Our brains were much bigger than our stomachs! We ordered way to much food, but it will make good leftovers. We ordered the Greek Pizza and it was yummy! Finally, we went back to Liberty Park. We were having lots of playing different games with Jack's playground ball from Grandma Teri. We were exploring the pond area and Jack kept bouncing the ball. Nick warned him several times that he should stop, but as 7 year olds often don't, it went in the water. He was distraught. I haven't seen him that upset about anything in ages. He was running all around the pond, crying hysterically, wondering how he could get it back. There was a lot of netting and it got caught up in it more than a time or two. He begged me to call his grandma so that she could tell him where she got it. He just had to replace it. At that moment, it broke free and made it's way to shore. It almost went down another canal, but luckily Nick was able to use a stick to get it to the shore. I have never seen a man more happily reunited with a ball. When it was all over, we came home and watched some basketball. Nick likes to call it "re-runs" because basketball season is over. It was a great day!
Here are the pics for the week:
The egg hunt