Sunday, 7 December 2014

A Week in Review (November 30-December 6)

A Week in Review (November 30-December 6)

Watched: A great comeback victory by the Jayhawks as they played Florida. They got down by 18. I couldn't believe how they rallied and played in the second. On a sadder note, we had to miss the Jazz game that Jack's team was invited too. Luckily his friend on the team took him for us. They got down by a lot too, and rallied, but they didn't get the win like Kansas.

Read: I finished up Dark Triumph. It was a good sequel and has me looking forward to the third book.  I wrapped it up Saturday so I didn't have a new chance to start a new book yet.

Listened: To Jack be super upset about Barley.  We had a moment on Tuesday where we both missed his barking in greeting of us. Then on a Saturday, I was looking for a picture for an old ornament and so I printed out one of Barley and Frank. Jack found it and just broke down. I've tried to talk to Nick, but he feels it's just too large of a commitment for him to take on while he is working so many hours.  I guess I understand, but it still doesn't make it any easier. 

Made: The cutest paper strip trees with Jack's class. They all turned out super cute. The kids had a ton of fun with the project. If I were a first grade teacher, I would add it to my keeper pile!  I was so busy engaging that I didn't get a picture. 

Felt: Exhausted after my volunteer shift at the Scones and Sweet Rolls booth at the Festival of the Trees. Jack's teacher is one of the board members and is in charge of recruiting volunteers so I picked a slot that she needed to fill.  It is amazing the amount of work that goes on. It is said over the 4 days, they sell 19,000 scones. They also sell sweet rolls too. It takes 100 volunteers a day to run the booth.

Planned: On all three of us attending the Festival of the Trees together. Unfortunately, Nick was super busy at work so he was unable to make it. I really thought I was being tricky and taking my kid after the normal bedtime would mean smaller crowds, but I was wrong. There was an unbelievable number of people out to support this awesome cause. You can learn more about this fundraiser HERE. We were able to see Santa and got some fun pictures with him.  I posted a few below.

Loved: Getting all dolled up with my hubby to go some friends Christmas party. Jack cracked me up by saying that I didn't look like me. I asked him what I looked like and he said a woman. I asked him what I usually looked like and he said a mom. Haha  We had a good time talking with a lot of people that come from the KC area. I even got to do a little early Christmas baking. I thought that they turned out quite festive.  They were also quite delicious. 

Here are the pics for the week:
 Several from Festival 

Santa Pictures

Cherry Cheesecake Cookies

We clean up pretty nice

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