Wednesday, 1 October 2014

A Week in Review (September 21-28)

A Week in Review (September 21-28)

Watched: The first show of the last season of Parenthood. It was pretty emotional and I think this show is going to go out with a bang. 

Read:  I didn't really embrace reading this week. True Believer is totally not sucking me.  I hope to wrap it up by next week. I am falling quite behind in my personal reading challenge of a book a week.

Listened:  To more of Pride and Prejudice. This book must have an great middle and ending as I am finding the first third to be nothing special. 

Made: Some delicious PB Rice Krispy Balls covered in chocolate.  Yum. I found it on Pinterest (of course). I posted a screen shot below.  Jack and I both preferred them without the chocolate but the girls at Book Club seemed to prefer the chocolate.

Felt: Sadden that our original buyer financing fell through. Luckily we had a back up offer who was still interested. Bad news, it means starting the month closing process over again.

Planned: To do something fun for Jack's early release day. We were able to have our friends over for visit. The boys were playing at the park and Jack invited them over. It was nice to chat while the boys played.

Loved: Getting to help out in Jack's classroom on a daily basis. They are going to be performing a reader's theather in small groups and I am working with them to gain some practice reading their lines.  I also helped out another teacher by volunteering for her for an hour as well.

As I was reviewing for the blog, I realized I didn't snap any pictures of us. So instead you get the two screen shots from my phone. 

The recipe for the PB balls

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