Saturday, 2 August 2014

A Week in Review (July 27-August 2)

A Week in Review (July 27-August 2)

Watched: Jack climb up every tree he could.  There is something about here that make him want to climb the trees.  I really could foresee a broken bone while we are here. He just loves being outside and is quite a daring fellow.  He injured himself on the plastic of the swing set the first night we were here.  About 3 days post injury, he took off the band-aid and had to message it to the cousins.  I had to really laugh about the conversation that he gave.

Read: I finished up One Plus One ,which was a huge surprise to me. I didn't really think that I was going to be able to get it done with how tired I have been with the unpacking. However, I took most of Thursday and Friday off and so that gave me the time that I needed to finish it up. It was another great story, but not one of my favorites of hers. I next started on The Phantom Tollbooth. It's a children's story, so I am counting on it being a nice easy read that will eliminate one book off my bookcase.

Listened: To my boy beg to ask go up a mountain to the cloud. While I don't think he got up to the clouds, he did have a good time with his Dad.  I convinced Nick to go out with him while I stayed home and did some laundry.  Nick did take a couple neat photos that I have places below.  On Saturday, I decided to be a nut and join in the fun. We selected one of the hikes in the book, Best Easy Day Hikes. When we got there, the parking lot that the book suggested was full and so we had to pull down into the town parking lot. The "helpful" gal at the top suggested that walking the trail would be a fast as waiting for the shuttle. The gentlemen at the bottom said if you took the shuttle, you'd miss all the best wildflowers.  So we decided to take the trail. It was about an average of a 15% incline. It about killer this out of shape KS girl.  It took us a total of four hours to make it the top of trail, (Not-so) Cecret Lake.  But the gentleman was right, they did have the best views before the shuttle dropped you off.  We also would have missed the moose.  We decided to hike back down the whole way and that was much easier. Jack was running down and biffed it and both Nick and I were worried that he might have broke his arm bracing himself. Luckily there wasn't anything worse than a banged up arm.  I have attached several pictures from our hike below. 

Made: A run to Savers (yes, they have one here too!) to drop off a few things that didn't really fit into our new space.  Outside there, they had a shaved ice place called The Shack.  We ordered two smalls and then laughed quite heartily when they were delivered. They were HUGE. It was so much so that Jack insisted that I take a picture and put it on FB. Cracked me up.

Felt: Glad to get the cable and internet hooked back up. While I wasn't a fan of Comcast when we had them in Olathe, so far, things have been okay here. A huge step up from our Surewest service.  When I went to set the DVR up for Days of our Lives, I was shocked to see that it airs here at 1am. Isn't that just crazy?

Planned: On getting our cars into the garage over the weekend. Since Jack was out playing with the neighborhood kids on Friday night, I got Nick to help me get the garage in order. It was a good thing he helped or I wouldn't have gotten out on my side. It is a bit of a tight fit, but it will be so worth it. 

Loved: That Jack has met some kids on block. They are a few years older than him, but he seems to fit right in. It is nice that we live on a quiet street so he is able to pedal his bike down the street and see if they are out. :)

Here are the pics for the week:

The boy on a hike with his dad. 

Okay, I know that one day that I will be old, but for now, this totally makes me laugh.

You probably can't tell it, but the moose was scratching himself with his antlers and it appeared his leg was getting caught. It was pretty funny, especially to Jack. 

Jack doing some rock climbing 

A pano shot Nick took. 

Praire dogs were very abundant this trip

Neither Jack nor I want to ski, but we both like the idea of riding the ski lift to the top. 

We snapped a picture so he could see how dusty he was from his fall. We told him we'd better avoid water or he would become a mudbutt (only Harry Potter fans will appreciate that.)

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