Sunday, 13 July 2014

A Week in Review (June 15-21)

A Week in Review (June 15-21)

Watched: Jack start off his swim lessons.  He really is doing great. His skills moved him up into the most advance group that they were offering at this session. It is neat to see him try to swim across the pool. 

Read:  I finished up Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, #3).  I like that we are finally get into the meat of the story. I love the relationship between Cress and Thorne. Can't wait to see what happens in book 4.  The problem is that I will have forgotten the majority of the subtitles before the next book is released.  I also quickly read Congratulations, by the way: Some Thoughts on Kindness.  I put this book on my hold list after seeing the author's appearance on either The Daily Show or the Colbert Report. I thought it was going to be a bit content then it was. And while I slightly agree with the word "kind", I think respectful would be a better term. 

Listened: To a Penn's Sunday School with Nick. It was an interview with Christy 
Foley who has volunteered to try and set up a colony on Mars. It really was an interesting interview. I don't think I could ever leave Earth knowing for sure that it was a one way trip. 

Made: The ridiculously long drive home from the Beach. It was way more than we should have done in one day. I did do all the driving since it was Father's Day. When we finally layed in our bed, I had the worst sense of Vertigo. Yuck!

Felt: The ultimate shock as we received word the night of the 18th instead of the day of the 19th that Wilson and Company and Wadsworth Brothers had won The Point project in Salt Lake City. That's the reason why I haven't blogged in just about a month. But I am going to try to back track via pictures and fill in the  blanks where I can.

Planned: For Nick to head out to Utah to kick off the design meetings. He will be gone for over a week, but I know that we will be fine. We have gotten used to it and always manage to find a way to stay busy and mostly sane.

Loved: That all of Nick's hard work paid off, even if I am absolutely frightened of the future for Jack and I.  We will of course survive (and hopefully thrive) wherever the three of us are together.

Here are the pics for the week:

Can you believe when I looked back in my phone there wasn't one picture from this week?

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