Week in Review (April 6-12)
Watched: I requested that we watch Frozen for my birthday. While I enjoyed the movie, it was pretty typically Disney. I loved the character of Olaf. Nick tolerated it. Jack liked it despite himself. He feels like it is a "girl" movie so he can't enjoy it. However, he liked it so much he requested renting it so he could watch it on the way to Wichita.
Read: It was a good week for reading. I finished up Panic. What a fast enjoyable read. I think coming from a small town like Carp made it more realistic for me as I could see a bunch of kids being this stupid. Nothing too plot twisty, but I did enjoy the ride. After that, I was also able to complete Lost Lake. This was another good story by Sarah Addison Allen. It lacked the strong magical realism that her other books seem to have in spades. If you enjoy her works, but don't want something over the top sweet then I would recommend this book to you. Now, I will focus on The Circle.
Listened: I recently found out that our library has an app that you can borrow audiobooks through. I have enjoyed being able to listen to parts of The Circle. However, it appears to be killing my battery. My car charger cord died (my lifeproof case seems to eat them!), so I don't see myself being able to listen to many that way.
Listened: I recently found out that our library has an app that you can borrow audiobooks through. I have enjoyed being able to listen to parts of The Circle. However, it appears to be killing my battery. My car charger cord died (my lifeproof case seems to eat them!), so I don't see myself being able to listen to many that way.
Made: Time to go meet baby V on Monday. Jack has been so excited to meet her and was just amazed that he got to see her when she was 0 days old. We also had Culver's night and a dance party at my work that evening. We also had to make sure that we had Nick ready for Utah. While we were waiting for Nick to meet us, Jack informed me that he was going to work in a hospital when he grew up. I asked him what he was going to do. He said he was going to help get babies out of the vaginas (As you can see we've had plenty of conversations on how a baby generally comes into the world. Thank goodness he hasn't yet asked how a baby is made!). Then he proceeded to tell me that he knew it was bloody so he had better start playing some Caller Duty (I laugh that this is what he calls Call of Duty) to get him used to seeing blood. Nick arrived a few minutes later so we didn't have time to discuss that in more detail.
Felt: Sad to learn that Nick's great Uncle Joe passed away from colon cancer on Thursday. We had known for sometime that it had reached a terminal phase. Nick and Jack went down to Wichita on Saturday while I had to keep a meeting to purchase all the negatives from our wedding photographer who is moving overseas and was clearing out his stalk.
Planned: On Spring Flag football being similar to Fall. But it's not and I am trying to become okay with that. Yesterday, the coach gave me Team Mom responsibility, so hopefully I will be able to organize everyone. There are only 8 boys on the team and Jack is the only one that has played before. He was able to play the entire game on Saturday. He was tired, but he enjoyed it.
Loved: Celebrating my birthday! With the help of my co-workers, Facebook well wishes, calls and texts from family, visits from neighbors, and time with my boys, I had a fabulous 35th birthday! Jack picked me out an extremely thoughtful gift and I was touched that he did. They also each bought me a frame from wedding pictures that they knew I was getting. Jack was very proud of their wrapping so I took a picture and included it below.
Here are the pics for the week:
Jack and V
Just being a goof
Jack and his Lego Club creation
My birthday presents
A sideline view of Jack's game.
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