Wednesday, 19 March 2014

A Week in Review (March 9-15)

A Week in Review (March 9-15)

Watched: Jack get to have a play date with his favorite friend from school. Her birthday is coming up and since she is doing a small family party, we had her over lunch and an afternoon at Chuck E Cheese. She is so sweet. I can see why he enjoys her so much.  I hope he always chooses such great friends.

Read: I didn't finish anything this week. I just couldn't bring myself to focus on my books.  This is not good because The Cuckoo's Calling  is on limited loan and can not be renewed. Luckily, Nick has downloaded the audiobook from audible, so I'll be able to finish it, even if it is at a snail's pace.

Listened: A got a few more discs done in Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend . I'm still enjoying it. The reader does a great job of conveying the emotion of narrator.

Made: The long trek back to see my mom and step dad in Alliance.  I decided to do a straight shot even though we didn't get out of Olathe until 2:30 in the afternoon. I was pretty tired but was glad for the extra half day with them.

Felt: Excited that we were able to attend a charity event for East Point Horspice in Alliance.  It is a group of people who use horses in therapy. They had a poker tournament and I placed in the top three. I can't say my exact place because we called it early and split of the prizes. One of the winners traded a golf bag for the fishing pole that his autistic nephew really wanted to win, but didn't.  The other guy took a little 28" TV that probably would have ended up in Jack's room, which I don't think I want yet. And so I ended up with a new shop vac for Nick. Hopefully he enjoys it!  Jack also won a stick horse race and got a fun glass boot full of prizes. He was pretty excited about that.

Planned: A pretty awesome in-service for my fellow co-workers.  It was on product v process art. They seem to have "got" it and I hope to see a difference in what they do with their students soon.

Loved: Going on the Boulevard Brewery Unfiltered Tour with my hubby.  We had a great time sampling new beers, hearing some of the history of the brewery, and just getting to enjoy time together.  Several pics below.

Here are the pics for the week:

Before the tour with the signature smokestack. 

The rooftop view

It's always 5 o'clock at the brewery. 

Best bathroom sign!

Jack and Kate enjoying their grilled cheese picnic lunch. 

A funny picture Kate captured of Jack on our drive to Chuck E Cheese.  Kind of wonder what he was doing when she captured this picture. 

A view from my long drive home.  Pure blackness except for my headlights and the reflectors on the road. 

Jack and Grandma Teri after he won his stick horse race. 

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