Sunday, 19 January 2014

A Week in Review (January 12-19)

A Week in Review (January 12-18)

Watched: Jack get his promotion to green belt in karate. I am not sure which Sensei he will choose for his Spring Semester, but he loves it. As you can see by the pictures, Sensei John has several students. Jack is the man in the yellow belt in the front row of my pictures.  He is really enjoying the deeper combinations that come with the higher belts.

Read: Just about 2/3 of Losing Hope (Hopeless, #2). I am sure that I will have a review for you next week. It's been an easy read since I already know the plot from the previous book. 

Listened: To a new (I think or at least it's new-to-me) radio station. It's called 99.7 The Point and they play such a wide variety of music that I enjoy it.  If you are looking for something different, give it a try. 

Made: Jack two football cakes for his birthday party. They turned out exactly how he wanted and so I was pretty proud of them. Nick helped me too, so it was fun to share that experience with him.

Felt: So loved and grateful for my friends and family. They did an awesome job of stepping up and helping out with Jack's party.  I looked up from saying goodbye to the guest and they had swept, packed up the presents, cleaned the tables, put away the chairs, packed up the cake. Seriously, I don't think it gets better then that. So much love goes out to them.

Planned: For there to be more events and order to Jack's party. Nick knew it wouldn't happen and he was right. There were kids who just couldn't handle the game and kids who just didn't want to play, but overall, I think everyone had a great time.  Jack said it was all awesome and he is who I did it for. As he gets older, I think I'll be shooting for more venues like Laser Tag, Skating, Swimming, Etc. :)

Loved: Being able to give Jack a "YES" day for his birthday. We started the morning off with a Captian Crunch Breakfast, went to school wear he took sugar cookies with aqua blue icing with fish sprinkles for the teachers and a snack mix of 6 different things for his classmates, followed by a PB&J  and Mint Oreo Blizzard lunch, swimming, present opening, dinner at Mongolian BBQ, a carousel ride at the mall, a sugar cookie cake decorated in colors he chose, a stop by the Lego store where he spent some of his birthday money, basketball practice, a Skyped conversation where we actually got to see Tio and Aunt Jess, played Pit on Your Neighbor (a reverse game of the one we usually play), and fell asleep in my spot on the bed after some books.  All in all, I would say he had a fabulous day.

Here are the pics for the week:

I didn't get one great shot of him on his birthday, but here they are anyway. 

Struggling with the mountain of packing tape, hence the face 

Here is the great pic I got of him from Portrait Innovations, a day after his 6th birthday. 

Birthday Party Pics:

Notice the candle change?  We lost the green candle to a football accident. Somehow we got lucky enough that it didn't damage the cake. Just broke the candle!

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