Wednesday, 2 October 2013

A Week in Review (September 22-28)

A Week in Review (September 22-28)

Watched: Not much. There wasn't really time for sitting down and enjoying the TV with this week. I did see Jack's flag football team make dramatic improvements in their ability to rip off flags during a play. We will see next week if that translates to game time.

Read:  I finished up Reconstructing Amelia.  It got a solid three stars from me. The writing being told in the format of text and Facebook updates and standard writing style kept the book more entertaining for me. I have heard this book compared Gone Girl and if that is what are you are looking for you, you won't find it here. This seems like it could be an attempt at a YA version, but there is a lot of angst in there. Not sure I would recommend it, but I wouldn't caution against it either.  I also finally got to pick up Seduction and Snacks(Chocolate Lovers, #1).  It is going pretty good so far.  I think I will finish it fairly quickly.

Listened: This was the first time in a while that I haven't had an audiobook to listen too. I just enjoyed the radio or the sound of silence.

Made: The most simple apple crisp ever!  Perfect for a quick dessert. I found the recipe on and modified it only slightly to meet my needs. I originally made this recipe for Fall Fun Day at school, but I also made it since then. It calls for 1 can Apple pie filling, 1/2 cup flour, 1 stick melted butter, 1 1/2 TBSP of cinnamon, 3/4 cup packed brown sugar, and 3/4 cup quick cook oats. Place the can of filling into an 8X8 ungreased casserole dish.  In a separate bowl, combine all other ingredients together. Drop the topping on the pie filling by the rounded spoonful. Microwave for 10-12 minutes. Yummy!  I think I might try it with blueberry soon!

Felt: A wave of confused emotion. As we continued to work hard to get the house in tip-top shape for the appraisal, I got a call letting me know they had decided we didn't need a full appraisal after all. It's a good thing because it should make the whole process easier, but I'm kinda of frustrated with all the hard work that ended up being for naught.  Once we got the call, our get up and go, got up and went.

Planned: I think I already have the majority of the school's Halloween party done.  I just need to come up with a craft that I love. 

Loved: Watching the cousins have a blast with each other, especially during Papa Lee's tractor ride. This years theme was definitely Hayride Hijinks. I will be putting together a collage card shortly n

Here are the pics for the week:

Jack requested that I take a pic of him and Barley. I thought it turned out pretty cute. 

A view of the front of the house with the windows washed, new door up, fresh mulch in, etc

Jack opening his Wii U. Our Wii was on it's last legs and so we decided to upgrade him.  Nick couldn't just let him have it, so we told him he was giving his old Wii to Grandma Denise and we had to pack it up. He was pretty upset that we had given away the Wii. I told him he had to go downstairs to grab the box to pack it up in. It took him a second to realize that the Wii U was in the box and that it was for him.  It's taken some time to adjust too, but we like it. 

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