Monday, 29 June 2009

Where did a month go?

I can't believe that it has been a month since I've blogged.

We have all been busy. I am preparing to teach my second full day camp. It is amazing how much harder it is to prepare a classroom with a toddler in tow. Jack really loves to explore the classroom and get into every toy that I have set out for my kiddos. I have to really leave him at home to get anything done.

Jack is having a blast enjoying the summer. We spend so much time outside playing around. He is really a bleached blond now. He is growing like a weed and is tan to boot. He is developing his own funny personality. He is a total daddy's boy and an all-boy kinda kid too! He loves to be thrown on the bed, get rolled around, sword fight, dig in the dirt, throw rocks in the water, splash in anything resembling a puddle or a waterfall. He also loves to go fishing. Thank goodness Aunt Rachel picked out a fishing pole for a gift for his first birhdhay. It is the only way we can keep him away from Nick's poles.

Nick is doing well. We all had a great time on our vacation. He hated driving the truck with a camper attached through Texas! Those drivers are crazy. I have no idea how our friends, the Norman's, live there. We spent two wonderful days with them playing games, seeing kids, and debating philosophies. It was nice to be around friends who we enjoy bantering with. We also borrowed Nick's dad boat and went out on the lake. Nick had a great time fishing and we had fun playing in the water and on the rocks. I must admit that I am not a fan of those crazy Lake Travis fish. I have never been attacked so many times while I was in the water. I got used to the minnows, but the big fish, ugh! This week he is in Salina working on Pioneer Crossing, Segment 2. One of their subs from Segment 1 has begged their help for the 2nd part. I think it is supposed to be short lived. We can only hope so.

I am posting new pics and video after this. I am actually using Jack's nap time wisely. :) Hope you are all having a wonderful summer.